Saturday, April 28, 2007


Growing up there are things that kids find funny that parents do not. Parents find funny that kids find earth shattering. I never thought I would recieve a late night phone call from my PARENTS. Who were believe it or not out partying. I couldn't make out anything but the laughter. But, I did hear a faint voice from the past yelling in his, child like trouble making voice. "THE COUCH IS STUCK" for those of you who know about this, yes of course it is friggin hilarious. Speaking of things that are hilarious I would like to leave a qoute that still makes me giggle of course it came out of my mouth I will take full responsiblity.....

(to Fred and Mom during a recent visit)
"I know this may not be funny to anyone else, but it was really funny in my head" "You should bring Garry home a wind chime"

Yeah its still funny.... in my head. Well thanks mom for the entertainment.



1 comment:

Bonnie Butler said...

Timing is everything...that quote was spoken right after the crazy wind storm that hit Rutland while I was in So. Carolina. Oh..and Erin..the think you kids did that YOU thought were funny come up in these conversations as well. let me just say..mailbox...mailbox..mailbox...
Love You! Happy Birthday to Fred.