Wednesday, April 11, 2007

OK Gang, I finally made it. Nice to "see" you all. This seems like a nice way to stay in touch. Tammy, nice to hear from you a little bit. It's been a long time. Glad you are well and happy.

The news from up here is: Chelsea is about to turn sweet 16...and send for her license. My world will never be the same... Allie is about to graduate from 8th grade at St. John School. It's a big production. Her song for her video is....."Good Riddance" hmmmmm, I've heard that before on a graduation video. Jt has temporarliy lost his brain to the baseball season. It's a steady stream Red Sox coming from his lips, and esp tonight as Dice-K is pitching in Fenway. We played catch for about an hour in the road today. It's all he wants to do and it doesn't even slow him down when the ball gets lost in the snow.

....I'll always be a bit sad I didn't live closer to play more catch with the Ware kids....

Love you guys and catch you later.

Unka Ick

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